My story so far…
Let me guess: You’ve read all the books and watched all the webinars. But marketing your business still feels confusing, messy and complicated. Somehow, the more you learn, the more you realise you don’t know. You want to feel like you’ve totally got this, but all you feel is stuck, stagnant and scared to show up in your business.
I’ve been right there with you – and that’s coming from someone who’s worked in marketing for over a decade!
After years working on digital marketing strategy and social media campaigns for corporate brands, my life was going at 100mph. I put work first, pushed myself hard (hello, burnout) and fell into the corporate way of doing things. But deep down, I knew there was another way. A more human way of doing business. Maybe you feel that too?
Then I had my son, George, and my world changed. My identity shifted. I craved connection in a way I never had before and I realised that I needed to feel more fulfilled. I wanted to take my marketing experience and give it to founders and business owners, teaching them how to market their business in a human-to-human way.
Once you uncover it, everything about marketing your business starts to flow. Rather than feeling time consuming or difficult, it feels intuitive. It feels natural.
I believe that we all have an edge; something that makes our way of doing business totally unique.

That desire for authentic, human connection is what drives Human Edge Marketing.
My purpose…
My soul purpose is to help my clients feel empowered, confident, and to really OWN their marketing and how they talk.
The biggest kick for me is seeing the penny drop for them as everything clicks into place, cheering as they go from hiding away to showing up for their communities online – pushing their business forward to the next level.
I don’t believe in a one-size-fits all approach.
No two of us are a cut and paste of another, and neither are the businesses we’ve created.
That’s why I believe in bespoke blueprints, taking the core elements that make your business unique and creating a truly personalised way to market yourself authentically through my coaching.
Whether that’s finding your ‘why’, creating a meaningful content marketing strategy, or empowering you to launch something amazing; marketing with soul, intuition and humility is my jam. ⠀⠀
I’m here to help you stop marketing from a place of doubt, duty or outright anxiety, and learn to market your business with soul.